code of conduct


1. no systemic abuse such as sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. when it comes to defining what constitutes "systemic abuse", the opinions of the marginalized are given priority at all times

2. no harassment. harassment campaigns may not be spread here, even against "valid" targets; this includes doxxing and dogpiling. if you must call someone out, do it elsewhere and link it here

3. CW sexually explicit content this includes images and text. all sexually explicit images must exclusively involve consent-capable adults. (as in, if asked whether they'd like to pose for an adult photo, they would be capable of responding "yes", and that would be able to stand up in court of law)

4. this is an 18+ space. do not join or request access if you are not 18 years of age or over. we will remove accounts that are not 18+ accordingly. this is for the safety of our mod/admin team and users

5. no unfocused misandry. this is due to its impact on non-binary, genderqueer, trans, disabled, poc, queer, and otherwise marginalized men. misandry focused at the top of the kyriarchy is not against the rules

6. no pedophilia or zoophilia. this includes artistic depictions of characters that cannot give consent

7. consent is important in all contexts. if you’re ever unsure, ask first. use content warnings (CW's) where required

8. treat others with respect, and be respectful in kind. this instance is meant to be a friendly, welcoming space to all who are willing to reciprocate in helping to create that environment

9. no AI-generated artwork. please



we strongly recommend all users add alt text/image descriptions to their media uploads, as is largely custom on the fediverse, for the sake of the visually impaired (those using screenreaders and such). it doesn't have to be anything super verbose unless you want it to be, it can be something short and just enough to provide some context. we recognize that conflicting accessibility needs exist and this is not always possible and recommend using the #Alt4Me tag to request others to do it if doing it yourself isn't possible then editing it in afterwards



content warnings are a tool to enable someone to opt-into your content. this is particularly useful when posting publicly, as opposed to unlisted. when you post publicly, your posts are received by people from this server and other servers that may not currently follow you

if you don't want to deal with CW's, feel free to post unlisted! unlisted posts work just like twitter and only go to your profile and followers and or people posts are boosted to

to use content warnings, click the CW button when composing your toots. this will hide the main body of your toot behind a line of text text like a subject line



πŸ’œ nsfw/sexual discussion and imagery must be behind descriptive cw's (nudity, sex, kink discussion, etc)

πŸ’œ sensitive imagery (please use your best judgement on what content that most other users would find sensitive, such as photos of surgeries, abuse, war, deceased individuals, etc)

πŸ’œ please note that our sensitive media rules apply to profile photos and headers as well. since those images cannot be hidden behind sensitive media warnings, they are not allowed to contain content from enforced content warnings



πŸ’œ discussion of overtly political (relating to elected or unelected government officials) topics

πŸ’œ triggering topics (direct discussion of rape, trauma, abuse, suicide, transphobia, homophobia, etc). the intention is to provide a warning for users who may not want to consume this content, not to silence users who are sharing their negative experiences

πŸ’œ drugs or drug use

πŸ’œ advertisements for corporations

πŸ’œ "rage" posts and posts using mainly capital letters



πŸ’œ eye contact images

πŸ’œ food related images


it's okay to ask others to CW certain topics, but it's also okay to ignore requests for CW's. people who do not like your CW choices can choose to mute or block you or use filters

harassing users to CW their content, as well as demanding CW's from folks talking about their personal experiences of racism and other forms of bigotry, is against our rules and could result in being banned



πŸ’œ offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion

πŸ’œ unwelcome comments regarding a person's lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment

πŸ’œ deliberate misgendering or use of 'dead' or rejected names

πŸ’œ gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behaviour in spaces where they're not appropriate

πŸ’œ physical contact and simulated physical contact (eg, textual descriptions like "hug" or "backrub") without consent or after a request to stop

πŸ’œ threats of violence

πŸ’œ incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm

πŸ’œ deliberate intimidation

πŸ’œ stalking or following

πŸ’œ harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes

πŸ’œ sustained disruption of discussion

πŸ’œ unwelcome sexual attention

πŸ’œ pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others

πŸ’œ continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease

πŸ’œ deliberate "outing" of any aspect of a person's identity without their consent except as necessary to protect vulnerable people from intentional abuse

πŸ’œ publication of non-harassing private communication



we do not allow the promotion, advertisement, or sale of cryptocurrencies in our spaces. mentioning the existence of cryptocurrencies, linking personal accounts or addresses, and otherwise discussing them in a way that is not intended to sell or advertise a specific cryptocurrency is acceptable. we do not have any association with any cryptocurrency or other monetary transactions that happen within the server

we do not allow the promotion, advertisement, or sale of NFT's on our instance. we do not allow content from our instance, including content and media uploaded by our community members, to be sold as NFT's



some of y'all might be wondering why i chose this name for this instance. after all, isn't a cyberpunk world a dystopia?

well the term "cyberpunk" can be used broadly to describe the type of setting common in the genre, or even the world we live in today really

but imo it also applies to a certain spirit of rebellion typical main characters in such a setting might exhibit, and that's what we're all about here -- and what i mean when i say we're "putting the punk back into cyberpunk"

anticapitalism is woven into the themes of the genre, however some might try to water it down into nothing more than an aesthetic. cyberpunk is a critique of the future it portrays and the paths that might lead us there



main page music is "unreal superhero 3" by kenet & rez

our mascot's name is qwerty (any pronouns) they're based on the openmoji "hacker cat"

color scheme based on cyberpunk-neon by roboron

support fedipact!

brought to you in part by vantablack

our hackercat mascot qwerty